Performance management
Setting world class standards, accountability, KPIs that work,
1-to-1 meetings
Session details
All too often, people want to be promoted in order to get the word ‘manager’ on their business card or to tell their loved ones that they have been promoted!
This session will enlighten managers and equip them with the thinking needed to become the manager that makes things happen in your business (as opposed to being the manager who doesn’t know what’s happening or watches it happen!)
They will explore the importance of measurement and we will demystify KPIs as well as opening their eyes to powerful activity measurements that will improve candidate sourcing, business development and job taken to jobs filled ratios.
Crucially, this session will equip managers with a coaching style to their weekly one-to-one meetings as well as enabling them to hold people to account in a constructive way.
During this session, delegates will learn:
The three types of manager
Setting World Class Standards and ensuring they are met
Powerful activity targets tailored to your business
How to set targets and KPIs that have personal meaning to your staff
Get organized! – What gets measured gets done
Use KPIs like a ‘a recruitment doctor’
Managing Under Performance: Taking charge of mediocre team members
Managing Top Performers: How to inspire top performers to give more
1-to-1 meetings – NOT b******ings
Feedback and Coaching: Delivering effective feedback
Complimentary recruitment-specific management diagnostic – why the secret of becoming an exceptional manager is in your own hands
You’ll know you’ve got it when you can…
Make key mindset changes that are essential for all good managers
Remove resistance to change by ‘buying-in’ recruiters rather than ‘telling them what to do’
Set performance standards
Conduct effective one-to-one meetings
Hold staff accountable for agreed actions
Pinpoint further management development need via our recruitment-specific management diagnostic
Pricing and upcoming dates
World-class recruitment-specific management masterclasses at a very affordable cost.
£350 per delegate
Discounts available for multiple session bookings. Enquire to speak to our team.